red blue green BLAH BLAH BLAH
grammar + extraneous words / length issues check
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Flare Blitz / Fire Punch
move 4: ThunderPunch / Stone Edge / Quick Attack
item: Life Orb
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
<p>Though the common mixed (clarification for continuity)Blaziken is considered a wall-breaker in UU (redundancy), almost all stall teams in UU will carry one of its counters, such as Milotic, Altaria, or Hariyama. However, this Blaziken uses Swords Dance to boost its attack to sky-high levels, allowing it to OHKO all of its usual counters. with Swords Dance, Blaziken can turn the tables on them by boosting its already-high Attack to sky-high levels, which lets Blaziken bypass its usual counters. just a style issue (the last part of the old sentence sounded awk). This allows it to run through unprepared stall teams.</p>
<p>At first, Superpower may seem like an odd choice over Sky Uppercut for its STAB selection, but the extra power is required to OHKO Milotic, Donphan, and defensive Altaria (and to have a chance to OHKO Donphan) with Stealth Rock down. Superpower will always OHKO 252 HP / 252(+) Def Milotic, and 252 HP / 40 Def Altaria will take a maximum of 91.53% minimum of 77.68% (umbarsc's recommendation, which I agree completely with)from a resisted Superpower; a guaranteed OHKO with Stealth Rock down. After using Superpower, the Attack and Defense drop will take a toll on Blaziken(,)(;) but on the other hand, Blaziken will still have a +1 boost under its belt and a clear path to sweep.</p>
<p>The secondary STAB move is a choice between Fire Punch and Flare Blitz. While Flare Blitz may sound like a dangerous choice for this set because of its terrible side effect, its sole purpose is to grab the OHKO on bulkier Pokemon like Spiritomb, Uxie, and Claydol. On the other hand, Fire Punch provides a more safer option without any terrible side effects that may hinder Blaziken. Blaze Kick is another option for extra power in exchange for 90% accuracy. (It is not in the set's moves which makes it just extra “duh” imo)</p>
<p>The final slot comes down to three choices depending on what the team needs to fill in a team's needs. ThunderPunch comes in handy when faced with a defensive Slowbro, as it deals a maximum of 73.15% (-) 88.83% (maximum calculations make the analysis look good by making Blaziken look like a beast but are not as informative) and has a 7.69% chance of OHKO with Stealth Rock down after a single boost. On the other hand, Stone Edge is a nice move to hit Altaria and Moltres without resulting resorting to Superpower and its which ends up reducing your Attack and Defense drop stat. Lastly, Quick Attack provides Blaziken a way to hit faster Pokemon such as Dugtrio, Roserade, and Sceptile. To illustrate the damage output of a boosted Quick Attack, here are some damage calculations:</p>
<p>Damage Calculations</p>
+2 Quick Attack vs min HP / min Def Dugtrio - 96.68% - 113.74%
+2 Quick Attack vs min HP / min Def Roserade - 72.80% - 85.82%
+2 Quick Attack vs min HP / min Def Sceptile - 59.43% - 70.11%
+2 Quick Attack vs min HP / min Def Espeon - 65.68% - 77.49%
<p>A Jolly nature is an alternate option alternative to outpace a lot of Pokemon who cower under linger around the base 80 Speed tier, most notably neutral-natured Venusaur, Nidoking, Kabutops, Toxicroak, Honchkrow, and Blaziken. Although, the trade for Speed over Attack means that Blaziken will miss out on a surefire OHKOs on both Tangrowth and Donphan. (wtf PEPSI CHALLENGE – you don't have a “surefire” OHKO on Donphan with Adamant [744 Atk vs 372 Def & 384 HP (120 Base Power): 334 - 394 (86.98% - 102.60%)] while Flare Blitz, the primary Fire STAB, does a minimum of 147.03% to Tangrowth.) However, the decrease in power means Blaziken loses out on a guaranteed OHKO on Altaria with Stealth Rock down (Superpower and Flare Blitz both do a minimum of 70.90%). (A much better reason, no? =])</p>
<p>Blaziken fits nicely in on (')(“)spike stacking(')(”) offensive teams which that involves the use of both Stealth Rock and Spikes. Stealth Rock and at least two layers of Spikes should suffice if you want a higher chance to OHKO Slowbro(,) with ThunderPunch and Dugtrio, Roserade, and Sceptile with ThunderPunch or Quick Attack, respectively. (I'm not sure if “respectively” works for four things... either way, it's more confusing). Other ways to improve its sweep is to spread paralysis to the opponent's team. Paralysis support can greatly benefit Blaziken because of its middling speed.Uxie and Slowbro(offensive team)are is a great candidate(s) for this because they can manage to take a hit or two, and spread status in return due to its natural bulk and ability to set up Stealth Rock.</p>
<p>The best way to deal with this set is softening up Blaziken with flinch and priority. Ambipom is a great check because it has Fake Out to deal damage, as well as Return to follow up a 2HKO on Blaziken. Hitmontop also has Fake Out and Mach Punch to reduce Blaziken`s HP. Azumarill can threaten Blaziken with a STAB Aqua Jet, while Blaziken can't even muster a 2HKO with a boosted Quick Attack. Weezing makes an exceptional partner to Blaziken (to clarify which team Weezing goes on. again, it doesn't fit on offensive teams... which is why this sentence should probably be changed or chucked out)when it comes to handling these threats, as it can use Will-O-Wisp to weaken their physical hits, as well as luring in Pokemon like Chansey. Chansey being lured in helps give Blaziken an easier opportunity to use Swords Dance as well as lure in Chansey to give Blaziken a good opportunity to get a free Swords Dance.</p>
<p>Offensively, Curse Registeel makes an excellent partner because Blaziken lures in Milotic, Altaria, and Weezing - all three are common Haze users. With Haze users out of the picture, Registeel can boot up Curse easily without having its precious boosts removed. Feraligatr also makes a good partner because Blaziken acts as a lure to those Pokemon mentioned, and it generally helps Feraligatr sweep in the long run of the match because it shares many counters with Blaziken and will appreciate having them significantly weakened or fainted.</p>